Rosh Pinah Lead Care
Information for nearby residents
Our mission is to extract minerals and add value for our employees, local residents, shareholders, and other stakeholders through responsible mining, with a strong emphasis on safety and environmental sustainability.
As part of this commitment, we believe it is essential to maintain an open dialogue with the residents of Rosh Pinah and do everything we can to minimize the impact of our operations on the local environment. ​Feel free to contact us if you have questions or comments!
Lead exposure
RPZ is committed to ensuring that the mine and its operations are safe for both our workers and the community. Our goal is to continuously improve safety, minimize environmental impact, and work in close collaboration with the local community.
Lead is a naturally occuring element and there is lots of it in the Rosh Pinah area. As such, lead has been mined in Rosh Pinah for many years. It's in the dust, dirt and soil.
Lead is dangerous and doesn’t belong in the human body. If it gets inside, it can build up and make us sick. Usually lead gets into your body through your mouth or nose.

How lead can get into our bodies
By swallowing (this is the most common way – 98%)
Touching dirty hands and then putting them in your mouth
Eating food that hasn’t been washed properly
Putting unwashed toys in your mouth
Swallowing dust, dirt, or soil
Eating tiny bits of old, peeling paint or sand that has lead in it
By breathing (1%)
Breathing in dust from the house, dirt, or soil
Breathing in dust or fumes from old lead-based paint
Breathing in fumes from old leaded petrol
Through the skin (Rare – 1%)
Lead can get into your body through dirty hands, skin, or hair
An unborn baby can get lead from its mother’s blood while still in the womb
It’s important to keep your hands, food, and toys clean to stay safe!

What to do?!
If you think you or your family might have been around lead, it’s very important to get your blood tested. A simple blood test can show if there’s lead in your body.
Why get tested?
You can have lead in your body without feeling sick right away.
Lead builds up slowly and can cause serious health problems over time, especially in children and pregnant women.​
What to do if you have lead in your blood?
If your blood test shows high levels of lead, a doctor can help you take steps to remove it from your body.
You can also make changes to avoid lead in the future, like keeping your home clean, washing hands often, and staying away from areas with lead dust or old paint.
Testing is the first step to protecting your health and your family’s health!

Protect your family from lead
Lead can harm your health, especially for children and pregnant women. Follow these tips to stay safe:
Clean Your Home Regularly: Wipe surfaces with a damp cloth to remove dust. Mop floors often and avoid sweeping dry, as it can spread lead dust.
Wash Hands Frequently: Always wash hands before eating, after playing outside, or touching soil. Use soap and water for a thorough clean.
Keep Toys and Food Clean: Wash toys and utensils regularly. Make sure food is cleaned properly before eating.
Avoid Bringing Lead Inside: If you work around lead, change clothes and shower before coming into your home.​
Living in a home without ceilings or proper floors can make it harder to avoid lead, but there are still steps you can take to keep your family safe:
Cover Dirt Floors: Spread plastic sheets, rugs, or mats over the dirt to reduce dust in your home. Clean these regularly with water if possible.
Keep Dust Down: Use a damp cloth or mop to clean surfaces like walls, tables, and furniture. Avoid sweeping dry, as it spreads dust into the air.
Wash Hands Often: Make sure everyone washes their hands with soap and water before eating, after playing, or after touching soil or dusty areas.
Separate Work Clothes: If someone in the household works near lead (like in a mine), have them change clothes and wash up before coming inside. Keep work clothes separate from others.
Store Food Safely: Cover food to protect it from dust and dirt, and always rinse fruits and vegetables before eating.
A clean environment and clean hands can help protect your family from lead!
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Suggestion / grievance mechanism
At Rosh Pinah Zinc, we work hard to be good neighbours and responsible miners.
However, complaints will inevitably arise from time to time.
​We care about our local communities and take any complaints seriously. We welcome feedback to help us improve the way we work.
There is a variety of ways to submit your complaint:
- You can click the button below, which will take you to a form
- You can scan the QR code on this page, which will take you to a form
Over the phone by calling 063 274 225/238
In person at any of our community events
In suggestion boxes at the mine entrance, RoshSkor office in Tutungeni and Police Station